visitor guidelines
Visitors are asked to refrain from entering if, over the last 14 days, they have had symptoms of or tested positive with COVID-19, or have been in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19. If you are not feeling well in general, please do not visit the center.
Be considerate of fellow visitors and volunteers.
Face coverings are required at all times.
Social distancing is required. Please follow the signage and instructions of our volunteers.
What Other Measures is KMC Phoenix Implementing?
Enhanced cleaning of high-touch surfaces following CDC guidelines.
Hand sanitizer is available at various places.
Capacity limits in the center, including the meditation room, bookstore.
Acrylic panels are placed where volunteers will be in close contact with visitors.
Following CDC guidelines on mask-wearing, social distancing, and sanitizing.
Improved HEPA-grade air filtration throughout the center, including multiple air purifiers, as well as HVAC filtration.
classes & events
We are currently offering our Sunday Morning, Monday evening, Wednesday evening, and Friday Midday classes as both in-person and online. In-person will be on a first-come, first-serve basis for everyone (members and non-members).