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Class and Student Visits 

KMC Phoenix is happy to host a class visit to the Center or help answer any question you may have for a school project. 


If visiting for a class project, we kindly ask that you visit during one of our General Program Classes  (Sundays at 10am, Mondays at 7pm, Wednesdays at 7pm) to observe, take notes and visit with the class teacher or a senior student to answer any question you may have, after the class.


Many of the questions you may have can be answered by visiting our FAQ page. 


Another great way to visit and have your questions answered is our Open House and the first of every month.


Because of the high volume of interest in KMC Phoenix and Buddhism, student visitors for World Religion projects, are kindly asked to plan your visit during our General Program Classes and not during open hours.


Please visit our FAQ page for more information or our Contact Us page for further contact information.   


If you are an Instructor interested in bringing your class to visit KMC Phoenix and have a talk on Buddhism please contact the Center to check times and availabilities. 

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